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By Carrie E. Joslin

Linnie Jane is very happy—She has a brand new boy friend.
       But of the things she knows about him, it seems there is no end,
For she talks of him at breakfast, she talks of him at tea
       And if her girl friends are not there, she talks of him to me.

She tells me that he is so handsome! He has such a precious grin
       But, the things she likes most about him, is the dimple in his chin.
She tells me how he combs his hair, how he wrinkles up his nose!
       Just how clever are his jokes, and how he wears his clothes.

She tells me of his beautiful eyes, wherein the mischief lurks –
       Then tells me what I already know, that his name is Junior Burks.
Then one night he came to see her – and the rain came down in torrents!
       She told him he must stay all night, and go to school with her tomorrow.

His Daddy has a big grocery truck, and in it they take a ride.
       Oh! She feels so proud and happy, seated by his side!
And when the ride is over--she says, upon the ground he stands,
       And lifts her from the grocery truck with his strong steady hands!

As she talks on and on of his matchless strength, of all the things he has done and can!!!
       I shudder as I wonder,--o'er and o'er, can he be Superman???
Then one day she tells me that she loves him, as no other woman ever loved a man;
       And she reckons they'll get married, Junior thinks they can.

One Sunday when she stood to say her vows, Oh! How her sweet face shown;
       Junior Burks stood by her side, and she took him for her own.
And she promised to love and obey him what ever might betide,
       That through joys and through sorrows, she'd walk faithfully by his side.

©circa 1942/43 Carrie E. Joslin  

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