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Editor's Corner

By Mary E. Adair

January 2001

So here we are in the new Millenium and everyone is apparently suffering with burnout from the last Millenium.

Well, perhaps burnout is too strong a terminology for just being ready to rest before beginning the fray after New Year's Day.

Some of us will be traveling. Some of us will be changing jobs. Some of us will be looking for new things to do to thwart the boredom of getting through the day without the focus of a job.

It is noticeable when someone retires and greets the world with the enthusiasm of an adventurer. And, unfortunately, just as noticeable is when that enthusiasm wanes as the newly retired and adventure-sated one comes back to earth. This is the point that the person may become a volunteer in any one or more of the many civic and/or private charitable organizations. Filling their schedules with such activity is more than enough to begin building up their self esteem and need to be needed as they accomplish first one 'drive for funds' project, then another. And think of the benefit gained by the charity from such willing help, or perhaps that should be "gained by the recipients of said charity."

Indeed there are many valid organizations that provide mental and physical sustenance to those they serve, while keeping the administrative costs down using volunteers. If you are going to volunteer, perhaps you will want to check out those administrative fees kept for operations by the directors . Some are reasonable. Some charge exorbitantly, and the actual amount expended upon the "purpose" of the charity is found to be less than a quarter of what has been collected. It never hurts to check things out.

Checking out is what we want you to do with this month's issue, too. (Wow! Smooth transition, huh? About as smooth as entering retirement.) But, truly, this edition of Pencil Stubs is a worthy one. Though the poems are fewer in number, they include a couple by a new author, Michael Karolczak, Jr. He also does photography as a hobby, and his "Emerald Pathways" includes one of his pictures. Another poem by him for January is "As I Walk Through" and you will want to see his bio and personal picture as well.

LSeeker, Sam Vaknin, and some of my poems fill out the list with a wide range of subjects. A special endeavor by one of the Spirit Web Organization chatters, Tigerlily, is titled "The Holy Instant."

LSeeker also is the author of one of the short stories, "Rain." Jennafer Shaffer returns with a moving story, "The Ring," and another one that will tug on your heart was sent anonymously, "Teacher."

One of our writers who usually is represented in the list of poetry, Kenneth Rea Berry, sent us an article with some safety tips, as that is the focus of his The other article, a reprint from our previous set of issues lost when our site crashed in the Fall of 1999, is about the puzzle surrounding the disappearance of the Anasazi, aptly presented by Deborah Harding.

Cassandra returns this month with a delightful column about her world, LC Van Savage ("Consider This") will tickle a rib or two, Leo C. Helmer ("Cookin' with Leo") zaps up a new look for a recipe, Dr. Sam Vaknin continues his discussions on "Taming the Beast" of narcissism.

Plenty of checking to keep you happy and busy.

See you next month!!  

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