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Woo Woo

By Pauline Evanosky


I did not know that manifestation was even a thing, much less part of what I needed to learn to get into the Woo Woo part of life.

It started innocently enough. We were poor. This wasn’t a sudden sort of thing. We’ve always been sort of ordinary and in this lifetime poor. Not put-cardboard-in-the-bottom-of-your-shoes poor, but not having everything you want the minute you want it. Which, probably, is most anybody these days.

In any case, our cars got old and we would patch them together with chewing gum and paper clips. Nowadays I don’t think you can do that and from what I’ve heard when something goes wrong with modern cars it can get expensive pretty fast.

It was in the early days of my searching blindly for what I didn’t even realize I wanted to have or be that I came upon the book, “Creating Money” by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. It had been recommended to me by one of the spiritually questing authors I was reading. In those days I did not know anybody who was doing the same sort of spiritual questioning I was doing and so the quest I was on was, necessarily a lonely one.

I said to my husband, “I want to buy this book, ‘Creating Money’. He pointed to the bookshelf behind me and said, “It’s over there.” Now, if that isn’t a sign from the universe, I don’t know what is.

I was amazed. He said he’d gotten it a few years before. So, I set to reading it. Incidentally, I lag behind my husband in the spiritual questing department. I’ve long held the belief that we knew each other in other lifetimes, though I couldn’t say it was anything other than a very strong feeling. I knew within minutes of our meeting that we were destined to be together. In fact, that Thanksgiving when I went home for school break (I was in college at the time) I told my mother that I’d met the man I was going to marry. I told her he didn’t know it yet, but that was how it was going to be. I don’t remember what she said but as of this writing, we have been married 46 years.

I never did finish reading the entire book. My stance on this is that you really only ever need to read what you need to read to get the gist of something. That’s where the phrase Jack of all trades and master of none comes from. Same thing with the computer programs I use. I learn just enough to get what I want. It’s always been fascinating to stand behind somebody who is working on an Excel spreadsheet and see what they are doing. Inevitably, you find out some fancy keyboard shortcuts. I was also one of those kids who read the dictionary at lunchtime. Nerdy comes to mind.

In any case what I learned about manifestation is that you need to become emotionally involved with whatever it is you want whether it is a degree or a thing. You think about it. You talk about it. You surround yourself with pictures of it. You read about it. You write about it. You get every cell in your body, if you can imagine that, to point toward whatever it is you desire. Yes, it does sound like obsession, but at some point, you let it go.

Remember what buying a car is like? It doesn’t have to be right off the lot new, just new to you. Suddenly you are seeing blue Fords everywhere. Just like your car. You never noticed them before, but it seems like there are cars the same color and the same model of the car you have just acquired everywhere you look. The funny thing is that they have always been there. You just hadn’t noticed them before.

You direct your attention toward whatever you want to have. I don’t know what the time limit for the intense concentration part is. I didn’t get that far in the book, or I just don’t remember. I did it with a piano. We didn’t have room for a piano. We certainly didn’t have the money for a piano. I didn’t even know how to play the piano. I just really wanted one. It took some time. I found the Roland piano I wanted, just like Paul McCartney had. I had a picture of it on the wall of my study. Eventually, my husband brought one home. He’d gotten it for half price from a music store.

If it is a skill you want to develop you will begin to see books about the subject, or classes you might take.

I suppose you could even concentrate on having a clean house, though I have deliberately not even begun to think along those lines. I would caution anybody against doing that. You just might end up remodeling your living room.

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