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A New Sun

By Lseeker

What? departures faced confuse
and blur the sight?
No, rather, times long gone, but not forgotten
As softly they echo in our soul's light.
But also burn with a clutter memories forsaken.
And so I sit again,
blinded by my own pride filled ambitions
causing a loss of my heart's mission.
What did I seek long ago,
when dire time consumed my soul?
For filed deep in the lost dark echo,
were the dreams of childhood to man.
Yet, time slowly sifts by like sand,
and I find my memories so longing,
Of childhood belonging,
with dancing songs we sang.
Now I'm no better - but worse,
than what I was at first.
Just tainted by what I have seen
and experienced of my own doing.
But still in the deep filed lost dark echo,
screams out my long silent soul.
To stretch out it cries,
and sifts through the lies.
To strive forward with a new sense of hope,
for without it how could one truly cope?
I guess, point said and done,
is my soul needs the rise of
A New Sun.

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