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Mary E. Adair

First born of John Edward (Jack) Carroll and Lena May (Joslin) Carroll, May 8th in 1935. Not only is this approaching venerable seniority, but it is indicative of a great number of experiences over those decades since then until now.

Four generations with Great Grandmother Bullard, Grandmother Joslin, Mother Lena May Carroll,
and Baby Mary Elizabeth.

The love of words began early, and the saving of those I uttered was begun by my mother who collected and shared those syllables with what probably became nauseating frequency to those who were showered with them. However, she convinced my three sisters and me to keep track of our thoughts and faithfully bought us diaries as we grew up, dutifully recorded within by each of us. Rhymes made it more fun, and all of us indulged in "versifyin'" our daily doings. Epic poetry it was not; detailed, it was.

Nonetheless, growing fascinated with words, reading became a great pastime, which included Library books, reference books, even text books when school started--it was usual to read the issued books cover to cover when they were brought home. This also developed an eye for typo's, and the surprising number of them in professionally published literature, making editing come natural.

All types of writing have been done through my work experience - technical, advertising, public relations, news reporting, data records, and the more relaxed creative stories and poetry. Actually fell in love with A G Adair, my second husband, through reading his newspaper columns before ever meeting him personally. Admired his perfect grammar, people skills, studied colloquialisms used effectively, and honest appreciation of the world around him.

After being married awhile, we dabbled in forming newsletters for the various clubs we attended, from Garden to Square Dancing, and helped promote their activities and recognize their expertise whatever it was. This led to the magazine in newspaper format "Hobbie$, Etc" produced and printed by him, presenting people's interests which developed into their hobbies. Some of the tales were verbal and my secretarial skills came in handy getting them down verbatim for publishing. This little 'paper' went to 42 of the contiguous states and to Hawaii and Alaska plus seven other countries by mail subscriptions.

After he passed away in October 1996, it became increasingly difficult on one salary (with rising publication, supplies, equipment upkeep and replacement, plus increasing postage - particularly overseas mail) to continue status quo. Mike Craner whose poetry we had published stepped up to suggest putting it online as he was learning to do websites, so long story short, we are still here, but expanding our scope of presentation with not only the ezine, Pencil Stubs Online at dot com, but with the blog version at dot net, and the first eBook publication with the "Pencil Stubs August 2013" as a Nook Book.

Continuing to write - my column, short stories, articles, poetry - is both a pleasure and a stabilizing force in my life. Writing, however, appears on the whole to be a dying art, therefore encouraging both beginning and established authors to share their writing so it can be appreciated by a wider audience is the foundation of Pencil Stubs Online.


Type Month Year Title
Column November 1999 Editor's Corner
Poem November 1999 Tiny Miracle
Column December 1999 Editor's Corner
Article February 2000 Tax Season Preparation
Column February 2000 Editor's Corner
Column March 2000 Editor's Corner
Column April 2000 Editor's Corner
Article May 2000 Deep Sea Diver Shares Some Expertise
Article May 2000 Pilgrimage: Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
Column May 2000 Editor's Corner
Poem May 2000 Out Patients
Poem May 2000 The Stream
Story May 2000 Remembering VJ Day...The First One
Article June 2000 Impromptu Online Haiku Workshop
Column June 2000 Editor's Corner
Poem June 2000 A Cottage
Column July 2000 Editor's Corner
Poem July 2000 Near The Willow
Story July 2000 Spring
Column September 2000 Editor's Corner
Poem September 2000 Ending
Poem September 2000 July 2000 Picnic
Story September 2000 Perspective of a House
Story September 2000 Whispers
Column October 2000 Editor's Corner
Poem October 2000 He Watches Over Me
Poem October 2000 Garden Party
Column November 2000 Editor's Corner
Poem November 2000 Frost
Poem November 2000 Recording
Poem November 2000 Tribute to Military 'Brats'
Column December 2000 Editor's Corner
Column January 2001 Editor's Corner
Poem January 2001 Tiny Link to the Future
Poem January 2001 Awakened Memory
Poem January 2001 BraTalk
Poem January 2001 Cliche Detective
Poem January 2001 Some Winter Haiku's
Column February 2001 Editor's Corner
Column March 2001 Editor's Corner
Article April 2001 Pets Enjoy Outings Too!
Column April 2001 Editor's Corner
Poem April 2001 Moving Day
Column May 2001 Editor's Corner
Column June 2001 Editor's Corner
Poem June 2001 Thirty Years
Column July 2001 Editor's Corner
Column August 2001 Editor's Corner
Column September 2001 Editor's Corner
Column October 2001 Editor's Corner
Column November 2001 Editor's Corner
Poem November 2001 Little Ole Listmaker, Me
Column December 2001 Special Column
Column December 2001 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2001 In The Garden
Poem December 2001 Make Mary Merry
Article January 2002 Tickles and Twinges That Tantalize
Column January 2002 Editor's Corner
Column February 2002 Editor's Corner
Poem February 2002 Tribute to Grandma Kendrick
Column March 2002 Editor's Corner
Column April 2002 Editors Corner
Poem April 2002 Wisdom's Growing Pains
Column May 2002 Editor's Corner
Column June 2002 Editor's Corner
Article July 2002 Anonymous - No More!
Column July 2002 Editor's Corner
Column August 2002 Editor's Corner
Column September 2002 Editor's Corner
Column October 2002 Editor's Corner
Article November 2002 Who's Fighting?
Column November 2002 Editor's Corner
Column December 2002 Editor's Corner
Column January 2003 Editor's Corner
Column February 2003 Editor's Corner
Column March 2003 Editor's Corner
Column April 2003 Editor's Corner
Column May 2003 Editor's Corner
Column June 2003 Editor's Corner
Article August 2003 Tribute of a Patient
Column August 2003 Editor's Corner
Column September 2003 Editor's Corner
Column October 2003 Editor's Corner
Column November 2003 Editor's Corner
Column December 2003 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2003 For Marla
Poem December 2003 Workshop?
Poem December 2003 Fall Garden
Poem December 2003 Drawn and Quartered
Column January 2004 Editor's Corner
Column February 2004 Editor's Corner
Column March 2004 Editor's Corner
Column April-May 2004 Editor's Corner
Column June 2004 Editor's Corner
Column July 2004 Editor's Corner
Column August 2004 Editor's Corner
Poem August 2004 Simple Migraine
Column September 2004 Editor's Corner
Article October 2004 CAF American Combat Airman Hall of Fame
Column October 2004 Editor's Corner
Article November 2004 What if it Rains?
Column November 2004 Editor's Corner
Column December 2004 Editor's Corner
Column January 2005 Editor's Corner
Column February 2005 Editor's Corner
Column March 2005 Editor's Corner
Column April 2005 Editor's Corner
Column May 2005 Editor's Corner
Column June 2005 Editor's Corner
Column July 2005 Editor's Corner
Column August 2005 Editor's Corner
Column September 2005 Editor's Corner
Column October 2005 Editor's Corner
Article November 2005 Meet Thomas F. O'Neill
Column November 2005 Editor's Corner
Poem November 2005 New Boy At School
Column December 2005 Editor's Corner
Column January 2006 Editor's Corner
Column February 2006 Editor's Corner
Column March 2006 Editor's Corner
Column April 2006 Editor's Corner
Column May 2006 Editor's Corner
Column June 2006 Editor's Corner
Poem June 2006 Just An Old Pirate
Poem June 2006 Memorial Thoughts
Column July 2006 Editor's Corner
Column August 2006 Editor's Corner
Poem August 2006 Perhaps
Column Sept & Oct 2006 Editor's Corner
Column November 2006 Editor's Corner
Poem November 2006 Where Am I?
Poem November 2006 Protection
Poem November 2006 What Colour Will the Souls Be in Heaven?
Article December 2006 Movie Review: The Nativity Story
Column December 2006 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2006 Tiny Miracle
Poem December 2006 The Season
Column January 2007 Editor's Corner
Poem January 2007 WHINE
Column February 2007 Editor's Corner
Column March 2007 Editor's Corner
Column April 2007 Editor's Corner
Column May 2007 Editor's Corner
Column June 2007 Editor's Corner
Poem June 2007 M'Lady
Poem June 2007 Where Was 'Me'
Poem June 2007 Memorial Days
Column July 2007 Editor's Corner
Column August 2007 Editor's Corner
Poem August 2007 TV Marketing Tip
Column September 2007 Editor's Corner
Column October 2007 Editor's Corner
Column November 2007 Editor's Corner
Column December 2007 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2007 Trail
Poem December 2007 One Plea Today
Article January 2008 I.C.E. -- Have You Done This Yet?
Column January 2008 Editor's Corner
Column February 2008 Editor's Corner
Poem February 2008 Asymmetrical!
Column March 2008 Editor's Corner
Column April 2008 Editor's Corner
Poem April 2008 Coffee Thoughts
Column May 2008 Editor's Corner
Poem May 2008 My Hair
Column June 2008 Editor's Corner
Column July 2008 Editor's Corner
Poem July 2008 Weathering Whether
Column August 2008 Editor's Corner
Column September 2008 Editor's Corner
Poem September 2008 Awareness
Poem September 2008 For Leo
Column October 2008 Editor's Corner
Article November 2008 Cancer Survivor Branigan Completes Ironman Triathlon
Column November 2008 Editor's Corner
Poem November 2008 Wake Up!
Poem November 2008 Buzz Word
Column December 2008 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2008 Along Avatar Avenue
Poem December 2008 Cremation
Poem December 2008 Merry Christmas
Column January 2009 2008 Editor's Corner
Poem January 2009 2008 Late Again
Column February 2009 Editor's Corner
Column March 2009 Editor's Corner
Poem March 2009 Condolences
Poem March 2009 Moving Day
Column April 2009 Editor's Corner
Poem April 2009 For Our Rhyming Man
Column May 2009 Editor's Corner
Poem May 2009 Everything Happens
Column June-July 2009 Editor's Corner
Poem June-July 2009 Writing The Column
Poem June-July 2009 Sweet Dreams
Poem June-July 2009 My House
Column August 2009 Editor's Corner
Column September 2009 Editor's Corner
Poem September 2009 2012 Carousel
Column October 2009 Editor's Corner
Poem October 2009 Who's Scaring Whom?
Column November 2009 Editor's Corner
Column December 2009 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2009 Questions, Questions
Poem December 2009 Should I Meditate
Column January 2010 2009 Editor's Corner
Poem January 2010 2009 I Heard
Poem January 2010 2009 Oh Where
Column February 2010 2010 Editor's Corner
Poem February 2010 2010 Life with Leo
Poem February 2010 2010 Compilation
Column March 2010 Editor's Corner
Poem March 2010 Leprechaun Lament
Poem March 2010 Time To Vote
Column April 2010 Editor's Corner
Article May and June 2010 Tribute: Lena May Joslin Carroll
Column May and June 2010 Editor's Corner
Column July 2010 Editor's Corner
Poem July 2010 That Line
Column August 2010 Editor's Corner
Column September 2010 Editor's Corner
Poem September 2010 Routine
Column October 2010 Editor's Corner
Poem October 2010 Ozark Born and Bred
Column November 2010 Editor's Corner
Poem November 2010 Need Coffee
Column December 2010 Editor's Corner
Column January 2011 2010 Editor's Corner
Column February 2011 Editor's Corner
Poem February 2011 Perspective
Column March 2011 Editor's Corner
Poem March 2011 What Is
Poem March 2011 Laundry Day
Column April 2011 Editor's Corner
Poem April 2011 God Didn't
Column May 2011 Editor's Corner
Poem May 2011 Texas Fires
Poem May 2011 The Bubble Bath Way
Poem May 2011 Monster in the House
Column June 2011 Editor's Corner
Column July-August 2011 Editor's Corner
Poem July-August 2011 Shoestring
Column September 2011 Editor's Corner
Column October 2011 Editor's Corner
Column November 2011 Editor's Corner
Column December 2011 Editor's Corner
Column January 2012 2011 Editor's Corner
Column February 2012 Editor's Corner
Column March 2012 Editor's Corner
Column April 2012 Editor's Corner
Column May 2012 Editor's Corner
Column June 2012 Editor's Corner
Poem June 2012 To Be Again
Poem June 2012 All The Time
Column July 2012 Editor's Corner
Column August 2012 Editor's Corner
Column September 2012 Editor's Corner
Column October 2012 Editor's Corner
Poem October 2012 How to be Nice
Column Holiday 2012 2012 Editor's Corner
Poem Holiday 2012 2012 Ideology and Pathology
Column January 2013 2012 Editor's Corner
Column February 2013 2013 Editor's Corner
Column March 2013 2013 Editor's Corner
Poem March 2013 2013 On Dusty Mars
Article April 2013 How To Read Bar Codes
Column April 2013 Editor's Corner
Article May 2013 Farewell Leo
Column May 2013 Editor's Corner
Column June 2013 Editor's Corner
Column July 2013 Editor's Corner
Poem July 2013 A Ballgame
Column August 2013 Editor's Corner
Column September 2013 Editor's Corner
Column October 2013 Editor's Corner
Column November 2013 Editor's Corner
Column December 2013 Editors Corner
Column January 2014 Editor's Corner
Column February 2014 2014 Editor's Corner
Column March 2014 Editor's Corner
Column April 2014 Editor's Corner
Column May 2014 Editor's Corner
Column June 2014 Editor's Corner
Column July 2014 Editor's Corner
Column August 2014 Editor's Corner
Column September 2014 Editor's Corner
Poem September 2014 My Heart Never Wore Spurs
Column October 2014 Editor's Corner
Column November 2014 Editor's Corner
Poem November 2014 Really Me
Column December 2014 Editor's Corner
Column January 2015 2014 Editor's Corner
Poem January 2015 2014 Brain Refrain
Column February 2015 Editor's Corner
Column March 2015 Editor's Corner
Column April 2015 Editor's Corner
Column May 2015 Editor's Corner
Column June 2015 Editor's Corner
Article July-August 2015 Art, Music, Crafts
Column July-August 2015 Editor's Corner
Column September 2015 Editor's Corner
Article October 2015 Tribute: Mattison Jay Mansfield aka FireEagle
Column October 2015 Editor's Corner
Column November 2015 Editor's Corner
Column December 2015 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2015 Daily, Sometimes Hourly
Column January 2016 2015 Editor's Corner
Column February 2016 2016 Editor's Corner
Column March 2016 Editor's Corner
Column April 2016 Editor's Corner
Column May 2016 Editor's Corner
Column June 2016 Editor's Corner
Poem June 2016 Trial and Error
Column July 2016 Editor's Corner
Column August 2016 Editor's Corner
Article September 2016 The First VJ Day
Article September 2016 New Comic Book Format and Heroes
Column September 2016 Editor's Corner
Article October 2016 Deep Sea Diver Shares Some Expertise
Column October 2016 Editor's Corner
Column November 2016 Editor's Corner
Column December 2016 Editor's Corner
Column January 2017 Editor's Corner
Column February 2017 2017 Editor's Corner
Column March 2017 2017 Editor's Corner
Column AprMay 2017 Editor's Corner
Poem AprMay 2017 Dancing Branches
Article June 2017 AG Adair - Hall of Honor Inductee
Column June 2017 Editor's Corner
Column July 2017 Editor's Corner
Column August 2017 Editor's Corner
Column September 2017 Editor's Corner
Column October 2017 Editor's Corner
Column November 2017 Editor's Corner
Column December 2017 Editor's Corner
Column January 2018 2017 Editor's Corner
Column February 2018 2018 Editor's Corner
Column March 2018 Editor's Corner
Column April 2018 Editor's Corner
Column May 2018 Editor's Corner
Article June 2018 Introducing Charlene Cowley - New Pencilstubs Columnist
Column June 2018 Editor's Corner
Article July 2018 Leo Loved Music
Column July 2018 Editor's Corner
Column August 2018 Editor's Corner
Article September 2018 Meet New Columnist Marilyn Carnell
Column September 2018 Editor's Corner
Column October 2018 Editor's Corner
Column November 2018 Editor's Corner
Column December 2018 Editor's Corner
Column January 2019 2018 Editor's Corner
Column February 2019 Editor's Corner
Poem February 2019 Awake
Poem February 2019 Our Wagon Train Rolls On
Column March 2019 Editor's Corner
Poem March 2019 Through the Alphabet
Column April 2019 Editor's Corner
Column May 2019 Editor's Corner
Column June 2019 Editor's Corner
Column July 2019 Editor's Corner
Article August 2019 Tribute to Honor Ben Swett
Column August 2019 Editor's Corner
Article September 2019 Granbury Live! Light Crust Dough Boys
Column September 2019 Editor's Corner
Column October 2019 Editor's Corner
Article November 2019 World Series 2019 Thoughts
Column November 2019 Editor's Corner
Column December 2019 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2019 My Mind Doesn't Need A Cane
Column January 2020 2019 Editor's Corner
Column February 2020 Editor's Corner
Poem February 2020 Lighten the Load
Column March 2020 Editor's Corner
Poem March 2020 Future
Column April 2020 Editor's Corner
Poem April 2020 Wishing
Column May 2020 Editor's Corner
Poem May 2020 Shedding Moments
Poem May 2020 Isolation Diligence
Column June 2020 Editor's Corner
Column July 2020 Editor's Corner
Column August 2020 Editor's Corner
Column September 2020 Editor's Corner
Poem September 2020 Since
Column October 2020 Editor's Corner
Poem October 2020 Another Day in Isolation
Column November 2020 Editor's Corner
Column December 2020 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2020 Tiny Miracle
Column January2021 2020 Editor's Corner
Poem January2021 2020 You Say
Column February 2021 2021 Editor's Corner
Column March 2021 Editor's Corner
Column April 2021 Editor's Corner
Article May 2021 Phillip Hennessy, A Tribute
Column May 2021 Editor's Corner
Column June 2021 Editor's Corner
Column July 2021 Editor's Corner
Poem July 2021 One Finds Oneself
Column August 2021 Editor's Corner
Poem August 2021 My Own Boss
Column September 2021 Editor's Corner
Column October 2021 Editor's Corner
Poem October 2021 Pain
Column November 2021 Editor's Corner
Column December 2021 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2021 Squirrels
Poem December 2021 Make Mary Merry
Poem December 2021 The Season
Poem December 2021 Tiny Miracle
Article January 2022 2021 The Ultimate Library: Akashic Records
Column January 2022 2021 Editor's Corner
Column February 2022 Editor's Corner
Poem February 2022 My Chariot
Column March 2022 Editor's Corner
Poem March 2022 Summertime Woman
Column April 2022 Editor's Corner
Poem April 2022 Blessed Accordingly
Column May 2022 Editor's Corner
Poem May 2022 ENCORE: Memorial Thoughts
Column June 2022 Editor's Corner
Column July 2022 Editor's Corner
Poem July 2022 Still Going Strong
Poem July 2022 July 2000 Picnic
Column August 2022 Editor's Corner
Column September 2022 Editor's Corner
Column October 2022 Editor's Corner
Column November 2022 Editor's Corner
Column December 2022 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2022 Tiny Miracle
Column January 2023 2022 Editor's Corner
Column February 2023 Editor's Corner
Poem February 2023 Tiny Band of Gold
Article March 2023 Noralee's Story
Column March 2023 Editor's Corner
Poem March 2023 Willingly Granted
Column April 2023 Editor's Corner
Article May 2023 Tribute to Lena May Joslin Carroll
Column May 2023 Editor's Corner
Poem May 2023 Warming Up
Poem May 2023 Magic Carpet
Column June 2023 Editor's Corner
Poem June 2023 RSVP Please
Poem June 2023 Medical Mystery
Column July 2023 Editor's Corner
Poem July 2023 Unpaved
Column August 2023 Editor's Corner
Column September 2023 Editor's Corner
Column October 2023 Editor's Corner
Column November 2023 Editor's Corner
Column December 2023 Editor's Corner
Poem December 2023 Make Mary Merry
Poem December 2023 Tiny Miracle
Poem December 2023 The Season
Column January 2024 2023 Editor's Corner
Poem January 2024 2023 Not The Me
Column February 2024 Editor's Corner
Column March 2024 Editor's Corner
Column April 2024 Editor's Corner
Column May-Jun 2024 Editor's Corner
Column July 2024 Editor's Corner
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