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Bud Lemire

Hello, I am new here. I live in a small city in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Besides a year and a half married in Washington state (2002-2004) I have lived here all my life. I write poetry, work on genealogy (French-Canadian...Quebec), and have become very spiritual in the new age sense(chakras, etc). My poetry is written from all experiences I have been through in life. People I know...places I've been. I love people and getting acquainted with more, for each of us have a wonderful soul.

My news for December 2016 is my Poetry Blog & Picture Blog and here are the links:
Bud's Poetry Blog

Bud's Poetry -

Welcome to my collection of poetry that I have put together. I grew up here in Escanaba, Michigan, smack dab in the Upper Peninsula, and have lived here most of my life.

I have around 1, 700 poems at my Poetry Blog. If you enjoy poems, and have nothing to do. Go there. They are my views on life, my experiences in life, the loves in my life, and even the darkness. The places I've been, the things I've seen. All put into a rhyming poem. I share them with you, if you dare to go there. And you thought I was only good with a camera. Bud's Photo Blog

Want to look over all my photos I've taken over the last several years?

Then check out my Photo Blog and see the ones I picked to show the wide Web. Just click on any picture to make it bigger. Oh yeah, feel free to leave a comment. ~Bud~

Bud Lemire, Sr Companion


Type Month Year Title
Poem March 2005 Awaken From Your Sleep
Poem March 2005 Many Changes
Poem March 2005 A Glimpse Inside Your Soul
Poem March 2005 The Garden Of Souls
Poem March 2005 Earth Song
Poem March 2005 Empty Out Your Pockets
Article April 2005 ESSAY: Escanaba Easter
Poem April 2005 From My Past
Poem April 2005 Dear Heart
Poem April 2005 The Who Flung Flu
Poem April 2005 Path of Life
Poem April 2005 Let Me Be
Poem April 2005 Bond of Love
Poem May 2005 A Man From Mars
Poem May 2005 Everything You Face
Poem May 2005 Second Grade
Poem May 2005 Drops of Water
Poem May 2005 Your Body
Poem May 2005 Connecting Through Time
Poem June 2005 Cathy
Poem June 2005 The First Day Of The Dragonfly
Poem June 2005 The Place Called Home
Poem June 2005 Earthtide
Poem June 2005 A Feather Blowing
Poem June 2005 Thank You God
Article July 2005 July Art Presentation
Poem July 2005 It's Breathtaking
Poem July 2005 Two Special People
Poem July 2005 A Fly On The Wall
Poem July 2005 Windows and Walls
Poem July 2005 Let Me Help
Poem August 2005 An Earth Angel
Poem August 2005 Seize This Moment
Poem August 2005 Nature's Magic
Poem August 2005 Picturing The Spirit
Poem August 2005 School of Life
Poem August 2005 Wandering Alice
Story August 2005 Conversation
Poem September 2005 The Traveler On A Bike
Poem September 2005 The Diving Seagull
Poem September 2005 Lake Shore Drive
Poem September 2005 To Help You Through
Poem September 2005 No Power In The Tower
Poem September 2005 Your Song
Poem October 2005 The Spoken Word
Poem October 2005 The Souls Flame
Poem October 2005 The Greatest Gift Of All
Poem October 2005 The Angels Gathered
Poem October 2005 With Their Love
Poem October 2005 Being Of Light
Poem November 2005 Harbor Tower Poem
Poem November 2005 God's Angel
Poem November 2005 Deadly Curse
Poem November 2005 Sweet Michelle
Poem November 2005 This Poem
Poem November 2005 Mom's Love
Poem December 2005 Through The Pain
Poem December 2005 Nobody
Poem December 2005 The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Poem December 2005 Where Our Spirits Rest
Poem December 2005 Autumn Winds
Poem January 2006 Harbor Tower Christmas-2005
Poem January 2006 Waves Upon The Shore
Poem January 2006 I Married A Baby
Poem February 2006 The Butterfly Whisper
Poem February 2006 Why Do We Need Music?
Poem February 2006 Cherokee Daughter
Poem February 2006 Your Soul
Poem March 2006 Variety
Poem March 2006 Life's Celebration 2
Poem March 2006 A Yooper Pastie
Poem March 2006 Lonely Soul
Poem March 2006 Spiritual Energy
Poem March 2006 Transformations
Poem April 2006 Immortal Our Soul
Poem April 2006 To Be A Bird
Poem April 2006 I Let The Music Take Me
Poem April 2006 A Haircut
Poem April 2006 These Messages
Poem April 2006 Life Experienced Journey
Poem May 2006 Old Timer's Song
Poem May 2006 To Remember
Poem May 2006 We Become
Poem May 2006 With Love, From God
Poem May 2006 Thank You, Butterfly
Poem June 2006 Life's Circle
Poem June 2006 Kundalini
Poem June 2006 The Life You Made
Poem June 2006 Right From The Start
Poem June 2006 Life's Walk
Poem June 2006 The Dandelion's Song
Poem July 2006 A Question Of What To Do
Poem July 2006 The Walk Of Life
Poem July 2006 Death
Poem March 2007 Life Ebbs Away
Poem August 2007 We're Here With You
Poem March 2012 A New Beginning
Poem March 2012 Here On Earth
Poem March 2012 A Human . . . Being
Poem March 2012 We Have Wings
Poem March 2012 The Journey's End
Poem March 2012 A Piece Of Pie
Poem April 2012 Life Review
Poem April 2012 The Beauty
Poem April 2012 A Funeral Poem
Poem May 2012 My Friend John
Poem June 2012 Island Friends
Poem June 2012 Josephine
Poem June 2012 The Whispers Of Nature
Poem July 2012 Intersections
Poem July 2012 Two Artists
Poem July 2012 Through The Cemetery
Poem July 2012 It's Where We Go
Poem July 2012 Good Enough for Me
Poem August 2012 A Passing Of Time
Poem August 2012 Life Is Like A Camera
Poem September 2012 Someone Took My Picture
Poem Holiday 2012 2012 Falls Into Place
Poem Holiday 2012 2012 A Journey Of Self Discovery
Poem Holiday 2012 2012 Everyone We Meet
Poem Holiday 2012 2012 Nature Walk
Poem January 2013 2012 A Happy New Year
Poem May 2013 Many Pass Our Way
Poem May 2013 Reading to My Baby
Poem May 2013 Let Freedom Ring True
Poem October 2013 Choices
Poem November 2013 Through The Eyes of A Quad
Poem November 2013 Chemo Effects
Poem November 2013 Mother Knows
Poem November 2013 My Photographer's Lament
Poem November 2013 After Death: Our Soul Life Continues
Poem November 2013 Moral Support
Poem December 2013 Hugs From Heaven
Poem December 2013 Your Inner Self
Poem January 2014 Merry Christmas From Heaven
Poem January 2014 A New Year, A New Start
Poem January 2014 A Victory In Life's Game
Poem January 2014 Through The Cemetery
Poem February 2014 2014 What You Hear, What You See
Poem February 2014 2014 Donna, A Caring Soul
Poem February 2014 2014 An Everlasting Touch
Poem February 2014 2014 Life Is Your Classroom
Poem February 2014 2014 The Imaginative Genius of Terry Goodkind
Poem March 2014 The Fishing Hole
Poem March 2014 Loretta, My Friday Fish Friend
Poem May 2014 The Grudge
Poem May 2014 Comfort In A Friend
Poem May 2014 The Twin Flame Souls
Poem May 2014 Content
Poem May 2014 Disease Distance
Poem June 2014 Cam & Foz: Summer's End
Poem June 2014 Corn On The Cob
Poem June 2014 Food Spoils
Poem June 2014 Think Positive
Poem July 2014 Remission
Poem July 2014 After Graduation
Poem July 2014 Think Positive
Poem August 2014 Within Our Time
Poem August 2014 Lynn and The Martins
Poem August 2014 At The Band Shell
Poem August 2014 Competition
Poem September 2014 $$$ Everyone's Out For Money $$$
Poem October 2014 Success Of The Soul
Poem October 2014 The Shadow Of The Butterfly
Poem November 2014 Songs in Time
Poem November 2014 The Rewards Of Genealogy
Poem November 2014 Autumn's Journey
Poem November 2014 We Can Fly
Poem November 2014 Sour Turkey
Poem November 2014 The Real Me
Poem December 2014 This Kind Of Love
Poem December 2014 Knowing Cancer
Poem December 2014 Sing Out A Song
Poem December 2014 Lighten Up With Laughter
Poem December 2014 Depression
Poem December 2014 Soul Personality
Poem December 2014 Tying Up Loose Ends
Poem January 2015 2014 A Christmas Heart
Poem January 2015 2014 Those Moving Planets
Poem January 2015 2014 Precious Is The Time
Poem February 2015 Ideas, Truths, & Experiences
Poem February 2015 Our Journey Has Many Paths
Poem February 2015 The Crock Pot
Poem February 2015 Heart Filled with Love
Poem February 2015 Life's Hard Choices
Poem March 2015 Messages In My Chair
Poem March 2015 The Meaning Of “I Love You”
Poem March 2015 Read Her A Book
Poem March 2015 I Got A Call From Me
Poem March 2015 The Universal Light
Poem March 2015 From A Different Place
Poem April 2015 The Tree
Poem May 2015 Universal Translator
Poem May 2015 RyKrisp
Poem June 2015 Expressions
Poem June 2015 When You Get Old
Poem July-August 2015 Love Beyond Compare
Poem July-August 2015 Childhood Memories
Poem July-August 2015 Make It Your Own
Poem July-August 2015 What You Deserve
Poem July-August 2015 The 4th Of July
Poem July-August 2015 Blowing Bubbles
Poem September 2015 The Journal of Life
Poem September 2015 It's The Right Move
Poem September 2015 Sweat
Poem September 2015 The U.P. State Fair Again
Poem September 2015 The Ballad Of Mike & Bev
Poem September 2015 Fun-eral
Poem October 2015 Discovering, Every Day
Poem October 2015 Sinuses and Allergies
Poem October 2015 Netflix
Poem October 2015 Everybody Goes To Heaven
Poem October 2015 Alma's Photobook
Poem October 2015 Too Much Perfume
Poem November 2015 Don't Ignore The Signs
Poem November 2015 Heaven in My Eyes
Poem November 2015 Don't Drink And Drive
Poem December 2015 Don't Throw Them Out!
Poem December 2015 The Pearl
Poem December 2015 The Moments That Lead to The End
Poem December 2015 Clinical Depression
Poem January 2016 2015 To Be Free
Poem January 2016 2015 Don't Laugh At Them
Poem January 2016 2015 The Gift Of Christmas
Poem January 2016 2015 The Best In A Happy New Year
Poem February 2016 2016 Ships That Pass By My Window
Poem February 2016 2016 Retrospective
Poem February 2016 2016 Must Go
Poem March 2016 When The Walls Close In
Poem April 2016 Watching Me
Poem April 2016 April Fools Day
Poem May 2016 A Poem About Nothing
Poem May 2016 April's Snow
Poem May 2016 Created To Be Unique
Poem May 2016 Feel My Touch
Poem June 2016 I Thought I Knew You
Poem June 2016 Stinky Perfume
Poem June 2016 Enjoy And Have Fun
Poem July 2016 Mary, A Special Lady
Poem July 2016 Universal Treasures
Poem July 2016 Personality
Poem August 2016 This 4th Of July
Poem August 2016 The Pond
Poem September 2016 At The Top
Poem October 2016 Be You
Poem November 2016 Hear, I Can Not
Poem November 2016 Halloween
Poem November 2016 Dark Clouds
Poem December 2016 Last Dance At Christmas
Poem December 2016 The Picture That Wasn't There
Poem January 2017 Hope In The New Year
Poem January 2017 Have A Happy New Year
Poem January 2017 Everybody Is A Star
Poem February 2017 2017 A Book To Read
Poem February 2017 2017 My Own Bible
Poem February 2017 2017 Age Is Just A Number
Poem February 2017 2017 Love, And In Love
Poem February 2017 2017 A New Beginning
Poem February 2017 2017 Snow Light
Poem March 2017 2017 The Color Of Life's Music
Poem March 2017 2017 Following The Trail
Poem March 2017 2017 Growing Old
Poem March 2017 2017 The Swinger
Poem March 2017 2017 I Lost My Marbles
Poem March 2017 2017 Making The Difference
Poem AprMay 2017 The First Of May
Poem AprMay 2017 Housework Nightmare
Poem June 2017 Universal Blessings
Poem June 2017 Nagelkirk's Fruit Market
Poem June 2017 Good In Every Day
Poem June 2017 Maybe I'm Dreaming
Poem June 2017 Autumn Love
Poem June 2017 Through The Eyes of A Senior Companion
Poem July 2017 Coma
Poem July 2017 More to Everybody's Story
Poem July 2017 Filemma
Poem July 2017 The Woman of The Rainbow
Poem August 2017 In Spirit
Poem September 2017 A World Of Fantasy
Poem September 2017 Captured Moments
Poem September 2017 I Love Asparagus
Poem October 2017 Rockin' Delta County
Poem October 2017 A Will
Poem October 2017 Dead Resident
Poem November 2017 Don't Live With Regret
Poem November 2017 Where Did The Time Go?
Poem November 2017 You Don't See, You Don't Know
Poem December 2017 Why Take A Picture Of Me?
Poem December 2017 All In A Year
Poem December 2017 Giving Thanks
Poem January 2018 2017 Looking Back on The Year
Poem January 2018 2017 On The Fence
Poem January 2018 2017 Always Be You
Poem January 2018 2017 The Light from The Other Side
Poem January 2018 2017 D.A.T.A.
Poem January 2018 2017 Sundog
Poem February 2018 2018 The Hummingbird Moth
Poem February 2018 2018 Chop Suey
Poem February 2018 2018 Paper Fortune Teller
Poem February 2018 2018 Running Bird
Poem February 2018 2018 Michael
Poem February 2018 2018 Copy & Paste
Poem February 2018 2018 Jigsaw Puzzle
Poem March 2018 The Ice Shack
Poem April 2018 The Spit
Poem April 2018 Grandma's Funeral
Poem April 2018 Michigan's Beauty
Poem May 2018 Signals From Spirit
Poem May 2018 Challenges
Poem May 2018 My Pinard Family
Poem June 2018 A Compassionate Touch
Poem July 2018 The Tree Of Genealogy
Poem July 2018 Snowy White Owl
Poem July 2018 Play It Again, Jerry
Poem July 2018 Springtime In Da U.P.
Poem August 2018 My Soul Sings
Poem September 2018 Some Of My Friends Are Butterflies
Poem September 2018 Do You See Me?
Poem October 2018 Golden Rod
Poem October 2018 Hazelnut
Poem November 2018 I'm Afraid Of Needles
Poem November 2018 Tennis Elbow
Poem December 2018 Pain, Cover Up With A Smile
Poem December 2018 Thanksgiving Is All About Thankfulness
Poem January 2019 2018 What We Become
Poem January 2019 2018 The Christmas Bell
Poem January 2019 2018 The Enemy Within
Poem February 2019 This Heart of Mine
Poem March 2019 Me, in A Nutshell
Poem March 2019 I Love Your Blue Vest
Poem March 2019 Journey Within A Book
Poem April 2019 St.Patrick's Day
Poem May 2019 Wednesday at Lakeview
Poem May 2019 When The Easter Bunny Came
Poem May 2019 One Foot
Poem June 2019 The Free Items Table
Poem June 2019 The Island
Poem June 2019 Polish Poker
Poem June 2019 Journey In A Song
Poem June 2019 Cribbage
Poem June 2019 Things We Need To Let Go
Poem July 2019 Farmers Market
Poem July 2019 A Pigeon Stared At Me
Poem July 2019 Aronsons Island
Poem July 2019 Facebook
Poem July 2019 After School
Poem August 2019 What Do You See?
Poem August 2019 The Kitty
Poem August 2019 You Don’t Want Your Picture Taken
Poem August 2019 I Love Music
Poem September 2019 Listen To Your Body
Poem September 2019 My Dad
Poem September 2019 The Life That You Touch
Poem September 2019 Auntie Fish
Poem October 2019 The Blue Screen
Poem October 2019 Coach Thibault
Poem October 2019 Happy To Live Here
Poem October 2019 The Chocolate Lady
Poem October 2019 Remembering Mom With Love
Poem November 2019 The Witches Song
Poem November 2019 Seven Years
Poem November 2019 Orange, Yellow, & Red
Poem November 2019 Leader of The Day
Poem November 2019 A DVD is for Me
Poem November 2019 Read Me
Poem December 2019 A Tap On My Shoulder
Poem December 2019 M&M
Poem December 2019 I Hear You
Poem December 2019 My Life's Story
Poem January 2020 2019 On The Threshold
Poem January 2020 2019 Waiting For The Blue To Show
Poem January 2020 2019 The Christmas Beat
Poem January 2020 2019 A Private Poem
Poem January 2020 2019 Her Last Years Alone
Poem February 2020 Accept Him
Poem February 2020 I Received A Call
Poem March 2020 From Album To CD
Poem March 2020 Phlegmboyant
Poem March 2020 One Foot In
Poem March 2020 Mind Your Own Business
Article April 2020 Safeguards Against COVID19
Poem April 2020 The COVID-19 Pandemic
Poem April 2020 That Damn Virus
Poem April 2020 Social Distancing
Poem April 2020 Toilet Paper
Poem May 2020 I'm Always With You
Poem May 2020 Safety In The Stores
Poem May 2020 An Elevator Ride For One
Poem May 2020 The Monster
Poem June 2020 Behind The Walls
Poem June 2020 Uneeka
Poem June 2020 World Gone Mad
Poem July 2020 New Awareness
Poem July 2020 Peeking Around Corners
Poem July 2020 Spring Into Summer
Poem July 2020 The Traveler on A Bike
Poem July 2020 A Seagull's Flight
Poem August 2020 Desirae
Poem September 2020 My Brother, Rich
Poem September 2020 Perception Of The Soul
Poem September 2020 Believers And Unbelievers
Poem October 2020 The Year Of The Passing
Poem October 2020 My Photo Book
Poem October 2020 The Kitchen Tool
Poem November 2020 Say Achoo!
Poem November 2020 This World Today
Poem November 2020 Chaos 2020
Poem November 2020 Your Friend
Poem December 2020 This Year
Poem December 2020 I'm Everywhere
Poem December 2020 Become Anew
Poem January2021 2020 Snow Was Falling
Poem January2021 2020 A New Year
Poem January2021 2020 On The Ventilator
Article February 2021 2021 After Covid Symptoms
Poem February 2021 2021 Her Anxiety
Poem February 2021 2021 Lovers In The Mist
Poem March 2021 Never Assume
Poem March 2021 Harold
Poem April 2021 Getting Through It All
Poem April 2021 Boiled Eggs
Poem April 2021 I Love Packages
Poem May 2021 The Tree Of Life
Poem May 2021 My Childhood
Poem May 2021 Rainbow Eyes
Poem May 2021 There's Always Good Things
Poem June 2021 Fear Of Things To Come
Poem June 2021 You're A Hero
Poem June 2021 The 45's
Poem June 2021 I Don't Use Make Up
Poem July 2021 It's Okay To Be Sick
Poem July 2021 Roger, My Friend
Poem July 2021 A New Hope
Poem August 2021 One Journey Ends
Poem August 2021 I'm A Private Man
Poem August 2021 Don't Get Caught up in The Fog
Poem September 2021 Your Profile Picture
Poem September 2021 Dana, My Friend
Poem September 2021 Be Fair (Mask Up)
Poem September 2021 Take Time
Poem October 2021 Don't Change The Name!
Poem October 2021 Behind The Old Jailhouse
Poem October 2021 A Country Song
Poem November 2021 The Homeless
Poem November 2021 A Fish Story
Poem November 2021 She Didn't Lose Her Fight
Poem December 2021 Vaccine
Poem December 2021 In Her Eyes
Poem December 2021 On The Front Lines
Poem January 2022 2021 There's Still Hope
Poem January 2022 2021 Too Hard To Ignore
Poem January 2022 2021 A Happy New Year
Poem February 2022 My Name Is Covid
Poem February 2022 The Upper Peninsula Of Michigan
Poem February 2022 Never The Same
Poem March 2022 I Have Sinned, and I Loved It!
Poem March 2022 The Mountain
Poem March 2022 Omicron Is On The Loose
Story March 2022 2061
Poem April 2022 Wasted Moments
Poem April 2022 Journey Of A Lifetime
Poem April 2022 You've Won A Million Dollars!
Story April 2022 2061 (Part 2)
Poem May 2022 Offense Is Over The Fence
Poem May 2022 Live Your Life
Poem May 2022 Meth!
Poem May 2022 Songs Mom Sang
Story May 2022 2061 (Part 3)
Poem June 2022 The Gun
Poem June 2022 A Memory And A Song
Poem June 2022 Cherish Each Moment
Poem June 2022 Old Dog
Story June 2022 2061 (Part 4)
Poem July 2022 Door Decoration
Poem July 2022 Pulling Out Each Weed
Poem July 2022 The 4th Up North
Poem July 2022 Reminisce
Story July 2022 2061 (Part 5)
Poem August 2022 Ernie's Party Store
Poem August 2022 People
Poem August 2022 Time Capsule
Story August 2022 2061 (The Final Part)
Poem September 2022 Olivia
Poem September 2022 Washington School
Poem September 2022 A People About A Poem
Poem October 2022 Rainbow Hair
Poem October 2022 Mackinac Island
Poem October 2022 Life Comes First
Poem November 2022 Feeling The Silence
Poem November 2022 Cousins, Connect By Heart & Soul
Poem November 2022 Halloween At Harbor Tower
Poem November 2022 Reflections in My Glasses
Poem December 2022 The Key To The Universe
Poem December 2022 I Honor You!
Poem December 2022 Thanksgiving Memories
Poem December 2022 My Ears
Poem January 2023 2022 The Power To Be
Poem January 2023 2022 Alien Christmas
Poem January 2023 2022 Once Again Whole
Poem February 2023 Heavenly Valentine's Day
Poem February 2023 In Sickness And In Health
Poem February 2023 The New Year Has Begun
Poem March 2023 Shedding My Body
Poem March 2023 Living In A Covid World
Poem March 2023 Don't Talk Down To Me
Poem April 2023 A Virus For Everyone
Poem April 2023 She Is Always With Me
Poem April 2023 Believe It
Poem May 2023 Songs Mom Sang
Poem May 2023 The Veil Is Fading
Poem May 2023 Souls Passing Through Life
Poem June 2023 From The Afterlife, With Love
Poem June 2023 Leonora
Poem June 2023 Greed
Poem July 2023 They Crossed Over
Poem July 2023 A Friend Named Steve
Poem July 2023 The World Has Changed
Poem July 2023 Every Place
Poem August 2023 Do You Remember Me?
Poem August 2023 Every Sound Has Meaning
Poem August 2023 Being Deaf
Poem August 2023 Detour
Article September 2023 Mackinac Island Excursion-Part One
Poem September 2023 People Change
Poem September 2023 They All Come Along
Article October 2023 Mackinac Island Excursion-Finalie
Poem October 2023 The U. P. State Fair 2023
Poem October 2023 MackinacIsland 2023
Poem November 2023 Cathy Plank
Poem November 2023 Halloween 2023
Poem November 2023 Major Utilities
Poem December 2023 My Friend, John Summers
Poem December 2023 My Forever Girl
Poem December 2023 A Beatles Christmas
Poem January 2024 2023 In The New Year
Poem January 2024 2023 The Elf On The Shelf
Poem January 2024 2023 Dottie
Poem January 2024 2023 When I'm Gone
Poem February 2024 1950
Poem February 2024 A Cold January
Poem February 2024 Walter
Poem March 2024 The Word On Senior Companions
Poem March 2024 Like The Wind And The Sun
Poem March 2024 Family Game Time
Poem March 2024 The Dream Traveler
Poem April 2024 My Truth
Poem April 2024 Unanswered Questions
Poem April 2024 Pay It Forward
Poem April 2024 Snownado
Poem May-Jun 2024 Lost Family Found
Poem May-Jun 2024 Don't Hold A Grudge
Poem May-Jun 2024 Don't Be So Paranoid
Poem July 2024 Bafflegab
Poem July 2024 The U.N.C.L.E. Affair
Poem July 2024 My Own AI
Poem July 2024 Marie, A Special Friend
Horizontal Navigator



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